Legacy: OURPGSoc Society Game 2006-2007


OOC Note - Legacy 1 took place in the years 617EY to 620EY. The current game, Legacy 2, starts in 660EY.


Long, long ago, the Forerunners lived among the stars, their magnificent spaceships traversing the void of space with ease, their technologies complex and beyond the ken of men today. Then they left, died, or disappeared - it is unknown what happened, but there are certainly none left know. What could have occurred to make them leave their cities and machines behind is the source of great debate. Ideas and postulations on the subject range from a great plague which killed them all without trace, to a war in which they were defeated by a race even more advanced than their own. None of these theories are disprovable, although some are more likely than others.

Following breakthroughs in the Forerunner Language, and work in translating the texts within the Grand Library, the Historicals have been able to work out some aspects of Forerunner life. The Forerunners were, of course, highly technically advanced - what are now rare devices were once commonplace. Resources were abundant; all were Preserved. There are still words that appear to stand for 'everyday items', but for which we lack a reference - possibly they no longer exist. However, there is little mention of weaponry, apart from for self-defence against wild animals. This suggests the Forerunners were pacifistic, or possibly just lacked enemies; there are words that might mean other empires, or species, or possibly just tribes or cliques within the Forerunners themselves. It is unclear whether their word for their empire was, in fact, their word for their species.

There is, strangely, no mention of their emperor. Few - if any - individuals are mentioned; their history texts concentrate on achievements as a whole, in technology or expansion. They also record disagreements in matters of philosophy or science - the exact nature is unknown, as the technical terms used are not yet translated. It is suggested that they are about life and thoughts of the unnatural, but many Historicals worry that this is the influence of modern religion rather than an accurate translation.

Many things are still unknown - it is, for example, not known what species the Forerunners were, although as we humans can use their technology they must have been similar in size and shape. Medical technology suggests they were also similar physiologically, although it is possible that the Legacy devices are capable of adapting to heal many different species.

Sadly, no clues to their departure has been found yet - possibly it was an unexpected event, or possibly the Library's crystals were written before the first signs were seen. As the texts were written by the Forerunners about themselves, it is, of course, possible that they are censored or biased.

Another piece of the historical puzzle came from an unlikely source, when an autofactory on a Truniss planet, Thalim, unexpectedly produced a number of 'killbots' who merged together into one über killbot. The colossus spoke one sentence: "Surrender to the B'Twae Empire or be destroyed!" (It is still unknown how the machine could speak our language.)

Research has found little mention of this "B'Twae Empire", apart from similar sounding names of evil lords and gods in folklore and myth. There are no references to another empire in the Forerunner crystals, although they may have been known by another name. There is speculation that the B'Twae were the enemies of the Forerunners, possibly those who wiped them out - if the killbots were the product of the B'Twae, it is highly conceivable that the B'Twae were one side of the Ancient War.

It is known - as much as anything countless millennia past can be known - that an Ancient War did ravage the galaxy before what is now known as the Empire was born. The Legacy of the Forerunners, the great devices left to be discovered, show signs of battle, and the legends of many planets speak of a time of suffering and disharmony. Some technology - such as the 'killbots' and the Legacy battlecruiser - seems fit only for violent purposes. It is believed that this war, whatever its nature and whoever its sides, was long over by the time the Empire arose.

Founding of the Empire

Over 600 years ago, the forefathers of the House of Truniss discovered the first of what would prove to be many ships and machines, which we know today as the Legacy devices. They set out into space from their home-world, to find new planets and technologies, and this was the beginning of the Empire as we know it today.

The Historicals debate with House Truniss the exact order of events in this time, as records are sparse; this being before the Guilds and the Houses kept documents of such proceedings for posterity. It is known that the first City Ship was discovered within the lifetime of the first Emperor, Sarrelon Truniss; this became the home of the Imperial House who have lived there ever since. A Technologist school also grew up, attended by those of high status in the growing Empire, to further our understanding of the ever-increasing discoveries.

Explorers soon found many new habitable planets, some with indigenous populations, which were colonised. Other planets with useful resources or technology producing factories and soon the second Emperor, Randall Truniss I, found it necessary to delegate governorships of these numerous planets to five of his most loyal and powerful supporters: Jonas Lystra, Namon Karpeer, Hiro Machello, Aber Ditix and Xaara Omar.

For several generations the five Houses ruled the empire under the watchful eye of the Imperial House. The Court on the Imperial City Ship was, in those days, gathered once every 2 years to discuss the development of the Imperial worlds and to resolve Noble House conflicts by duel. The discovery of further Hyperspace routes has made travel today much faster between the farthest reaches of the Empire. At that time, Hyperspace journeys were still long and complex affairs, due to a lack of resources (most notably Hyperspace carriers). For many years, the Empire gathered more technology and rediscovered new planets and technologies.

Lystran Revolution

One of the most significant developments in Legacy technological understanding was made in 288EY according to the records of the Historicals. A group of Technologists aboard the Imperial City Ship realised the potential of the Preservation Technology, medical equipment including revivification machines which prevented the premature death of the users. Emperor Randall Truniss III saw the potential of such power and declared that this device and any others like it would be controlled solely by the Imperial House. In addition, he declared that all future Legacy technology discovered should be given to the Imperial House, to distribute as it felt appropriate.

This decree, carried out, would have put vast power into the hands of the Imperial House alone. The Empire today is built upon the equilibrium that is maintained by the equality of splitting the governance into the five branches, all playing their parts at the Emperor’s Council. Then, the balance of power was fragile and would have been shattered, should the Emperor have no longer needed to worry about the opinions of the other Houses.

It was Farron Lystra who notably refused to give up the Preservation Technology to the dictatorial Truniss, and he spoke with the leaders of the other Houses and put a proposition to them. Farron then spoke to the Emperor, asking him to think about the ramifications of his order and to reconsider it. Truniss refused and ordered Farron stripped of all his assets and powers.

At this point Farron's bodyguard and the bodyguards of the other House leaders took control of the meeting room and demanded that the Emperor stand down. Infuriated he pulled a concealed laser gun, unheeding of the age old tradition that duels should be set to determine those in the right in matters of Noble House contention. Farron’s own quick reflexes were all that kept him alive, drawing his own weapon and killing the dishonoured Emperor himself.

Farron then stood forward as the new Emperor, as he had agreed with the other Houses. House Truniss was left with a position of power under the control of Randall's cousin, Ameda, a weaker leader who was grateful to be left with as much as she had.

The Aftermath

The Lystran Empire made many reforms. It handed away control of many of its holdings to the others: its reduced control of systems offsetting its position of power. In addition Farron set up two new organisations. The powerful Legacy technology was given to the Independent Guild of Technologists who undertook that task of understanding that which had already been discovered and any further devices to be found. The Independent Guild of Chirurgeons were to become the guardians of all medical technology including the Preservation Technology which had instigated the revolution. Those working for either institution must renounce their House loyalties in order to ascend to high ranks to maintain their impartiality.

As the Empire turned to more aesthetic pursuits, it was noticed that various individuals among both the Noble Houses and the common people had unusual talents. These ranged from manipulation of the temperature to seeing distinct impressions of past events. The Imperial School of Psychic Study was set up by some of the most capable among these Psychics to provide a place for them to gather to enhance their natural abilities.

Although the Houses maintained the order on their own worlds, the Imperial House set up a force to monitor disputes. This United Imperial Constabulary deal with those dishonourable outlaws who operate in the demesnes of more than one House. The Imperial House also oversees any inter-House conflicts as they arise; these have been formalised into House Feuds. Should the Empire be forced to go to war against another people, all Houses are pledged to provide to the Imperial military.

In 583EY House Ditix was dissolved. The Forlox Incident had made an entire planet into a strange new Death World - the House Leader, Gyran Ditix, took the blame and went into exile. The House was replaced by House Vinka, who were given control of all of the Ditix systems.

Before the invention of the Hyperspace Navigator, all exploration depended on the discovery of new Hyperspace maps. New maps were found on the icy Death World Mirango in 617EY, leading to the discovery of ten new worlds. Unfortunately, this find almost led to the third Omar-Karpeer Feud in a mere fifteen years, when both laid claim the same planet. It was then found that Serkin Maldos Omar, later revealed as the dread pirate Versto Migan, had planted evidence to support his House's claim - the world went to Karpeer, and conflict was avoided.

The Hollann War

First contact with the Hollann Protectorate came ninety-three years ago; for nearly fifty years there was an uneasy peace, punctuated with the occasional skirmish. The Hollann were dishonourable, but a substantial adversary; their size was similar to that of the Empire, and their military was led by a fearsome Legacy battlecruiser.

The Hollanni surreptitiously organised pirate raids throughout the Empire. They instigated a revolt on the Lystran Mix World Rigel, the location of the UIC headquarters. Then, in 618EY, they attacked the Karpeer Mix World, Mykor.

Technology proved invaluable in the war - by the cunning use of Shieldbreakers, the battlecruiser was taken, and a sizeable fleet were wiped out by a shot of plasma from the 'Grand Cannon' on Mykor. But it also proved a liability - one of the Technologists, Master Marcher Scialis, was found to be sending battle plans to the enemy. Still, in the end, the Lystrans were victorious, thanks in no small part to the efforts of a popular rebellion within the Protectorate's midst.

After the Hollanni Protectorate fell, some of its planets entered the Empire: mostly those whose rebel forces had received Lystran aid during the war. Some planets became Independent Worlds. Most were subsumed by the League of Free States, who had taken the Protectorate's infrastructure.

The Demons

In the year 619, a new Legacy battlecruiser was discovered. Unfortunately, it was filled with oily-scaled shapes of blackness, bedecked with barbs and gaping mouths; this was the Empire's first meeting with the entities now known as demons. Soon after, the Sentinels of the Veil were formed, to best this menace should it appear again.

One of those who witnessed the first demon infestation firsthand was Daryoon Machello - a fighter who trained troops for his House. He had an ideology that revolved around individual strength and self-reliance. He felt the Empire was too weak to face the new threat that the demons represented. He attempted a coup.

The troops he sent to capture the Court Meeting and the Emperor were dealt with by the attending Nobles. His actions were swiftly and thoroughly denounced by the Order of Divine Enlightenment (who had previously declared him a prophet), the Sentinels (who had counted him as a Founder), his House (who had given him troops to train), and anyone else who had crossed his path. But some fear that those he trained still believe his deluded preachings and are still out there, waiting to strike.

The Guilds

The United Imperial Constabulary rebuilt themselves after their losses on Rigel. Their resources and manpower limited, they took in 'Specials' from other Houses' security divisions to increase the number of talented personnel available to them. Cases which are not progressing are usually closed unsolved.

Several prominent businessmen - all part of the not-entirely-reputable consortium known as the Cartel - were found to have ties with space pirates and the evil Hollann Protectorate. In response to the resulting outcry, the Imperial Guild of Merchants was formed - membership becoming compulsory for all interstellar traders, with overseers from the Imperial Treasury ensuring its members remained lawful. The Cartel disbanded, its (publically known) former members claiming they had no idea of the levels of depravity it harboured, and welcoming the formation of the guild.

The Merchants were the first Imperial Guild. The Chirurgeons and Technologists had previously been Independent, but following the success of the Merchants and the treachery of a Technologist during the war, the Empress declared in 634EY that the other guilds were to become Imperial too, to ensure that all remembered they were in service of the Empire above all else. High ranking members of a Guild remain members of a House, but are still expected to remain impartial when carrying out their duties.