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The Players and GM's list
This page provides a usefull list of players, characters and their prefered contact email addresses. As well as a short description/quote provided by the players. If you wish your character to be included in this list, please email rpgsocgm@maillist.ox.ac.uk with your details.

The GM's
Name Email Address
The Collective rpgsocgm@maillist.ox.ac.uk
Daniel Hemmens (Campaign Organiser) daniel.hemmens@wadham.oxford.ac.uk
Ben Allen benjamin.allen@chch.ox.ac.uk
Nickey Barnard nickeyb@hotmail.com
Martin Hornsey martin.hornsey@bskyb.com
Stuart Jenkins swjenkins@oup.co.uk
Krystyna Joyce krys@pendragon.linc.ox.ac.uk
Matt Marcus osirun@hotmail.com
The Players
Character Name Player Name Email Address Description
Lo Fat Matt Nesbit matthew_nesbit@compuserve.com Old, Respected, Chinese Gentleman
Harvey Hearst Mark Booth harvey.hearst@anang.com Local Businessman
Johnathon Glass Paul Golds johnathon.glass@molt.org Director of the Silver Harbor Museum.
Choi Chung Toby Wright toby.wright@wadham.oxford.ac.uk I'm Chinese, you don't know me.
Freddie "The Bat" Bokowski Rick Cronan rick@digitalmindgames.com Formerly a major league baseball player, recently suspended from the Silver Harbor Sharks.
Sophia Tania tania.qoura@somerville.oxford.ac.uk Bar Singer
Paulie Vincente Max de Vries maxdv@codemasters.com Pharmacist, recent immigrant from Palermo.
May Everidge Caroline Pearson some0855@sable.ox.ac.uk Whore, Madam, backstreet abortionist, midwife. Middle Age, hails from South East Central
Judge M Sanderson Jr. Josh Fox JFox@megabrainz.freeserve.co.uk A Private Detective from New Orleans, Available for hire
Janet Lane Nicole Barnaby nbarnabee@goucher.edu Journalist, Gossip Columnist for the Silver Bulletin
Manny Assuma Martin L martin@shadowgallery.freeserve.co.uk Everybody Loves Manny...
Maud-Auroura Gunne Franics Hardinge mappenheimer@hotmail.com Widow of the late Tobias Gunne, head of "The Parlour"
Washington Pike Mark Boyes Mark.Boyes@compaq.com Famous as the cowboy "Dusty Boots". Completely innocent of the murders of his wife, her brother and her father
Bob Halderson Arthur Boff arthur.boff@merton.ox.ac.uk Current SHUD leader. Took over when his predeccesor fell ino the water.
Jeffy Felix Geiringer felix@tao-group.com Shy guy who gets about.
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Last Updated 9/10/00, by Stuart Jenkins