Horizon: City of Traitors

This site is for the trial run of Horizon, which has finished! If you want information on the full game, commencing October 2005, you should go here.

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The Grey Order

Being a centre of magical research, Horizon has always had a certain number of people walking the streets wearing long, stylish, face-concealing robes. What's impressive about the Grey Order is the way they manage to make the faded grey robes they wear not dramatic, sinister or suspcious, but... well... boring. It's even more of a feat when you consider their background.

The Grey Order are a renegade group of steamworkers and clockworkers who have fled from their various Guilds and worked together on some esoteric project. It appears to have worked, because the Grey Order now have their own brand of magic to control, imaginatively titled Grey Magic. By drawing the correct runes, they can produce a range of startling effects that it's hard to attribute to any regular Powers or Gods. They claim that the power behind this is protected in their homebase in Irgar, the clockwork Citadel of Steam, but none of them know (or at least, are allowed to admit to knowing) why exactly this power works; the secret is protected by the very highest-ranking members of their organisation.

Since they've gained this power, the Grey Order have swelled from a breakaway faction of weird engineers to a fairly reasonable power-group, with agents in a variety of locations. It's still not entirely clear what their agenda really is; their lips are characteristically sealed on it. Public figures in the Grey Order always dress in the Order's characteristic loose, drab grey robes; it's known (though they don't admit to it) that the Order also has a certain number of plain-clothes operators.

Rumours about the Grey Order

The Grey Order aren't capable of controlling the power behind their magic. Bit by bit it's bringing them under control.

The Grey Order were founded by Arikel the Toolmaker as an attempt to grab more power for himself, but they rebelled against him and kept it for themselves.

Grey Magic is all just smoke and mirrors. The Order are faking it to fleece wannabe mages out of their money.

The only people in the Order who know how to run the Citadel of Steam are dead; if it breaks down, they're finished.