This site is for the trial run of Horizon, which has finished! If you want information on the full game, commencing October 2005, you should go here.

The Sitemap

The Frontpage

The Guide

The City

The World

The Esoteric

The System

The News

The Cast List

The Updates

The System

You are doubtless desperate to learn how to design your character.

You'll be turnsheeting on a regular basis so it would be a good idea to find out how we like to handle that.

You may read of how money in Horizon is handled.

Because there may well be a certain amount of thievery during the course of the game, we have produced a set of rules to help you with burglary.

Many of the organisations in the game have a seniority system operating. If you'd like to learn more about the underpinnings of this system, read this.

The rules for engineering, Sorcery and Alchemy are linked to under the System header for ease of access.

Worth reiterating is the description of the Riverview Tavern, the venue for most of the sessions.