This site is for the trial run of Horizon, which has finished! If you want information on the full game, commencing October 2005, you should go here.

The Sitemap

The Frontpage

The Guide

The City

The World

The Esoteric

The System

The News

The Cast List

The Updates

The News

Turn 6

This news covers the period from the first day of Autumn's Dawn to the last day of Autumn's Rise, 4000HR, and is presented in rough chronological order - the first stories in each section appear just after last session, the last stories appear just before this session.

In the Papers


(The Horizon Post.) It will come as no surprise to regular readers of the Post to learn that yesterday I, JAMES RIDGWAY, was pronounced the Winner of the first Horizon Journalism Contest. My prize: an EXCLUSIVE interview with COLONEL ZERO HIMSELF!

Arriving at the Riverview Tavern for the interview by FLYING TAXI, the Colonel seemed Relaxed for a man presiding over a city that had just been placed under MARTIAL LAW. With pipe in hand, he settled down at a table, and I questioned him on the most Pressing Matters of the Day.

Naturally, the first Issue to be discussed was the Shameful failure of the Watchdogs and the imposition of Martial Law in Horizon. Colonel Zero expressed his DISAPPOINTMENT at the lack of Discipline shown by the Watchdogs in Recent Months, but hoped that the LOYAL ORDER OF HOUNDS would soon root out those responsible, allowing them to return to their Duties. It was clear that the Colonel viewed the restoration of ORDER as his highest priority ; he praised those who, like the newly-appointed COUNT MOEBIUS COLUMNA, would assist in keeping Order, and warned "certain individuals" not to attempt to take Advantage of the City’s present state. I was left in No Doubt that the Colonel will use WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY to restore and maintain Order in Horizon.

The Conversation then turning to the Nature of that Order, Colonel Zero expressed his Distaste for the ideals of DEMOCRACY, explaining that he believed the city’s current system – the "Meritocracy" whereby any Person of Talent may enter into, and rise through the ranks of, the Government – to possess greater STABILITY. Stable it may be – but what of FREEDOM? At this, the Colonel shook his Head, and said that Recent Events in LASINIA had demonstrated YET AGAIN that the NOBLEST IDEALS can easily lead to the most BRUTAL TERROR. Having watched the Lasinian Revolution unfold First-Hand, I can Understand the Colonel’s distrust of Unchecked Idealism, but I for one cannot ultimately share the Distrust of the Common Man evident in his Anti-Democratic Sentiments.

Speaking further of Lasinia, Colonel Zero said that for as long as the LPLF continue their REIGN OF TERROR, the Remnants of the old Lasinian Government will enjoy the Support of Horizon – which, if they request it, or if the situation continues to Deteriorate, may include MILITARY INTERVENTION! It would be a Sad Day indeed if the Revolution, which began with such Bright Hopes, were to end in the Quagmire of an INTERNATIONAL WAR!

We then spoke of matters Closer to Home. Of the recent SCANDALS that had Shaken the Columna Family, Colonel Zero said that he had seen CONVINCING EVIDENCE, including GRAPHIC MEDICAL RECORDS, that CRACE COLUMNA had suffered a Variety of PERVERSE and HORRIBLE TORTURES at the hands of her Brother, ALRIC!!! Of the Colonies in the Treacherous Lands, he said that he hoped they would make Horizon Great again, and praised the heroic BARON MONTAGUE for Inspiring hundreds of Citizens to seek a New Life of Adventure in the LANDS BEYOND THE WALL!!! He expressed his satisfaction at the recent Destruction of the IMPERIALIST CELL led by DUKE CROWLAND, but was Pessimistic about the Prospects of wiping out the BLACK STAIN OF IMPERIALISM entirely; even though few Imperialists now Remember the Empire itself, he said, it remains a Rallying-Point for all those who wish to express their TOTAL REJECTION of the STATUS QUO in the most VIOLENT and INDISCRIMINATE manner possible.

My meeting with the Colonel left me Convinced that the City is in Safe Hands; his Passion for ORDER and STABLITY, at home and abroad, is Unmistakable. But I Fear that this same Passion, which serves us so well in Dangerous and Troubled Times, may ultimately prove Stifling, blocking out the FRESH WINDS OF CHANGE. Who can doubt that our Present System stands in Desperate need of REFORM? Colonel Zero will Defend that System to his Last Breath, but we must look to Other Quarters for the men to Change it for the Better.
- James Ridgway


(The Horizon Post.) On the Night of the last TWIN MOONS, the patrons of the RIVERVIEW TAVERN witnessed one of the most Stunning Displays of Swordsmanship ever seen in Horizon, as a DUEL was fought between LADY BLAZE, Governor of the TRANS-WALL COLONIES, and the Great Explorer known as FROST!!! Both were MASTERS of SWORDPLAY, matching each other Blow for Blow; but as time passed Frost’s superior Stamina became apparent, and finally Lady Blaze tired and Slowed, allowing Frost to land a hit and end the duel. Frost showed her every Civility, offering to end their Quarrel, only to be Rebuffed: “I’ll get him next time!”, the Defeated Aristocrat cried, perhaps Unaware that she was quoting Aerial Theatre villain NICK NASTILY.

Stung by this discourteous behaviour on the part of his Adversary, Frost decided that the time had come to EXPOSE her true nature, and in an EXCLUSIVE interview with the Post he REVEALED her TERRIBLE SECRETS. Lady Blaze, he said, is a PSYCHOTIC MADWOMAN driven only by HATRED towards her two nemeses, FROST and THE DARK AVENGER. It is SHE who, in the guise of THE WHITE AVENGER, has attempted to DISCREDIT her Dark Rival, while in her Official Capacity as Governor she has turned the Colonists against their SAVIOUR and BENEFACTOR, FROST!!! Despite Risking his Life on Countless Occasions, this Heroic Explorer now finds himself REVILED in the very Colonies he helped to Found!!! It is our Hope that these SHOCKING accusations will be THOROUGHLY investigated by the proper Authorities, and that – if proved True – a more Suitable Governor can be found for Horizon’s Colonies!

Society Couple Tie the Knot

(The Horizon Tribune.) ...the preparations of the past few months today paid off handsomely, with a magnificent wedding reception for two hundred of Horizon's great and good to celebrate the union of Crace Columna and Philip Daynann. Figures from the Goodly Chamber, the business community, and theatrical circles were in attendance to see Horizon's brightest young couple brought together by Rev. Honoria Estanton, along with several of the couple's friends. The bride was given away by her brother, Count Moebius Columna. The only possible shadow on proceedings was an apparent slight indisposition in the bride. Miss Columna brightly insisted that the problem was only a slight headache which certainly wasn't going to interfere with her wedding day. The father of the groom, Mr. Stuart Daynann, mentioned to the Tribune that he was convinced that Crace was a woman "...capable of making my son a very happy man."

It has been agreed between the two families that Crace will continue to use the name "Columna" on a day-to-day basis, although she will officially become "Mrs. Daynann", and any children born to the happy couple will bear the name "Columna-Daynann"...


(The Horizon Illuminator.) In one of its most DARING and CONTROVERSIAL moves to date the Aerial Theatre has brought out a new sketch accusing LADY BLAZE, governess of the trans-Wall colonies of being foolish and incompetent. BLAZE is portrayed as sending out her colonists on ridiculous missions with HILARIOUS consequences. In one particular sketch she sends an number of her colonists to fight several SHARKBOY-like creatures who claim to be guarding some precious TREASURE. After much effort defeating the creatures they discover what they were actually guarding was no more than a PILE of ROCKS. But there is a darker edge to this... it is revealed that the SHARKBOYS took advantage of her GREED and FOLLY to ransack the colony whilst it was unguarded and steal their supplies. Whilst many of the sketches are the HEIGHT OF HILARITY, there is always the underlying message: BLAZE IS INCOMPETENT!!! The Illuminator is driven to question: is there any fact in these accusations??? What revenge will BLAZE take against the theatre?!?! Find out first in the Horizon Illuminator!!!

See page 23 for details on how to win TWO FREE TICKETS to a showing of your choice of the Aerial Theatre.

Columna Case - Sensational Reversal

(The Horizon Tribune.) Alric Columna has been a condemned man for many months now, although there has been little success in finding him. Yesterday, though, respected doctor Rosie del Orto abruptly withdrew her medical testimony in Alric's case, pleading confusion of notes. Along with the public statements of Miss Crace Columna, this had led to the complete collapse of the charges of incestuous rape that had been laid against the Count. In view of this the presiding judge in the case, Lord Justice Evenra, has ordered a complete review of all the molestation charges, allowing the Alric Columna's lawyers to launch an appeal. The lawyers say that they certainly intend to do so. The withdrawal of the del Orto dossier of evidence - consisting both of the doctor's own records and statements from other witnesses - has not affected the charge of Ghoul-Murder, which still stands against Alric Columna and carries the death penalty, but the former Count's reputation may be helped by the collapse of the rape allegations.

Mayoral Legions Lose Guns

(The Liberator.) Today, Horizon enters its second week of martial law, and proof that the jackbooted thugs of the Mayoral Legions are no better than the jackbooted thugs of the Watchdogs has already manifested. The Liberator has received information that the Legion quartermasters are desperately searching for a number of weapons which proved to be missing in a recent stocktaking. No leads have yet manifested, but an inside job has not been ruled out.


(The Horizon Illuminator.) In a show of unrivaled generosity Baron Motague has opened up his home to the orphans of the del Orto Orphanage while they are unable to remain in their current building due to an attack made last month where several children were taken by a trouserless man. The children were housed in one wing of the Baron's house after it was converted into suitable dormitories.

"It's fantastic - everything is incredible and the Baron tells us the most amazing stories! And we can play in the garden all we like," said Adam Shaw, aged 8.

"We're very pleased with the way the children are settling down and we hope that they'll be happy to move back to the orphanage after we're sure that it's safe to do so. The Baron has been very kind to us and made the move very easy for everyone," commented Rosie Delorto.


(The Horizon Post.) A THRILLING rooftop battle in the household of Commisioner PENELOPE WEISS today as the ARCANUM GUARD themeslves were called in to deal with a vicious AVATAR OF LACRYMOSA! The twelve-strong squad, armed with automatic rifles, raided the house today under the heroic leadership of MS. MIA DELAN.

The avatar, taking the form of a MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, was eventually pursued to the roof of the house, where she was RUN THROUGH by the young adventurer "Frost", before being QUARTERED AND BURNED. Eyewitnesses report that the avatar underwent a HORRIFIC TRANSFORMATION during the course of the battle, revealing her unnatural nature to the world.

"We believe that the avatar we succeeded in killing is the one known in some esoteric texts as 'the Mother'", said a representative of the Guard. "It appears to have insinuated itself into Ms. Weiss's household, attempting to gain control of her and her family through a campaign of emotional manipulation and horrific magical rituals. Ms. Delan assures us that the danger is now over and the avatar can no longer rise. This is a significant blow against the foul god of loss and misery Lacrymosa, and a great day for mankind."

Urtovsk Falls to Baron Litkinstein's Forces

(The Horizon Tribune.) The annexation of the former territories of Captain Qveton by Baron Yuri von Litkinstein seems to be complete, now that the crucial village of Urtovsk has fallen to the Baron's forces. Eyewitnesses suggest that mercenaries who in recent months had been providing valuable reinforcements for soldiers loyal to Qveton within Urtovsk turned upon their former allies in the night and opened the gates to the Baron's forces, who took the town without a struggle. The mysterious third force of mercenaries, rumoured to have been hired by certain business interests within Horizon, turned tail and fled.

Urtovsk was a significant site to Captain Qveton's regime, since it is the only known location where good Vegdar-Dust can be harvested. The locals, having trained themselves to climb the Wall, harvest a certain lichen which grows on the wall near Urtovsk, from which the Dust is refined. It seems unlikely that Vegdar-Dust will be banned under the new regime; in an unguarded moment, Baron von Litkinstein was heard to say "I'll make sure those stinking peasants harvest Dust for me every waking moment of their miserable little lives!"

Realism Or Debasement - Artistes Debate

(The Horizon Tribune.) Various sources have long accused the Horizon theatre in general of favoring spectacle and sentimentality over realism, commentary or indeed any kind of emotional depth. To which a succession of highly successful owners and actors have replied that they are simply giving the people what they want. Until now, the reply has been that the people are forced to like the theatre of spectacle and shadows as they are given no choice in the matter.

Now, it seems, a choice of sorts is emerging with a wave of more gritty and thought-provoking plays reputedly in development. The first of these, due to open soon, is The Boy With the Brain That Turned Into Clockwork, and is causing considerable controversy in theatrical circles.

Far from the cut-glass accents and well-trodden tales of mythical figures to which theatregoers are accustomed, The Boy With the Brain... tells the tale of a disturbed young man called "Boaz", who leads a gang of so-called "spring-kiddies" in nightly rampages of murder, beatings, and theft - "a bit of the old ultraviolence", as the character describes it. Inspired by a wide range of mind-altering substances, the gang's rampages are ended by Boaz's capture and beating by an unspecified police force, who hand him over to an equally unspecified grey-cloaked group, who promise to make him "civilised". He is then brainwashed by a combination of drugs, torture and clockwork. As a result, Boaz the young thug becomes incapable of violence, made physically sick by the thought of pain or suffering. This "civilised" specimen is no longer capable of living in the outside world, and suffers at the hands of his former gangland enemies and "droogies" (friends). His suffering becomes a symbol of opposition to the government of the city in which he lives and its continual referral to the grey-cloaked group. In the end Boaz, a helpless pawn of political forces, has his brainwashing reversed - but faces an uncertain future.

Scenes of graphic violence in the play have led to debate among senior theatre figures as to whether it represents a move to greater realism, or simply a debasement of the "noble arts of the theatre".

Count Logovo Signs Last Treaty

(The Town Crier.) Let it be known throughout the city of Horizon and in all the True Lands that Count Logovo, designated ambassador of Baron Yuri von Litkinstein, overlord-by-conquest of Vegdarbarra, has signed the Last Treaty on behalf of his liege-lord, so that the sovereign Vegdarbarran entity ruled by the noble Baron may enter into the family of nations as an equal and respected partner.

Witnessed on the 7th of Autumn's Dawn by Colonel Zero and the ambassadors of Jurica, Irgar, and the loyalist Lasinian regime.


(The Horizon Illuminator.) LOCK UP YOUR HOMES; the gangland violence in the SLUMS has claimed another victim, this time the ELDERLY LADY MRS. ELSIE MCGREGGOR (82). A gang of YOUTHS wielding cudgels and loudly declaring themselves to be "GENERALS of the CARTEL" were seen BREAKING INTO ELSIE MCGREGGOR'S HOUSE and BEATING HER TO DEATH.

Our social commentator, Dick Thistlejohn, says: "Are we no longer safe in our own Homes?? Why oh why is our 'beloved' Colonel Zero not willing to Take a Stand against the Youth of Today?? When I was a young boy, the most we would do was Scrump Apples; where has it All Gone Wrong? Is there worse in Store??? I blame these violent plays..."

[The column continues for some time in the same vein, before a hastily-inserted last paragraph.]

STOP PRESS! The CARTEL-AFFILIATED DEATH B***H SPRING GANG have been found DEAD IN THE STREETS, having been QUIETLY ASSASSINATED by UNKNOWN ASSAILANTS! A statement ALLEGEDLY originating from the Cartel has emerged suggesting that the Cartel have DEFEATED THE DEATH B***HES when the Slum-based gangs COULD NOT, and that the Cartel believes in "safe streets". Is the Cartel claiming credit for a Three Families reprisal? Did the Death B***hes misinterpret their orders from their CARTEL MASTERS? Or did the Cartel punish their spring-kiddy allies for the crime of GETTING CAUGHT? Keep reading the ILLUMINATOR for the latest!


(The Horizon Post.) For too long the Murderous gang known as the DEATH BITCHES have brought TERROR to the Slums of Horizon, their Illegally Purchased ONE-SHOTS always Ready to be Fired against any who cross their Path. But now their RAMPAGE is at an End: a Public-Spirited association of JURICAN MERCHANTS has gathered a combination of Hired Fighters and Volunteers to SWEEP THE STREETS CLEAN of these SPRING-SLINGING PSYCHOPATHS!!! We at the Post APPLAUD this Brave and Generous Gesture, and URGE our Readers to support their NOBLE CRUSADE!!!
- James Ridgway

Victory in Vegdarbarra

(The Horizon Tribune.) The governments of Horizon and Jurica today issued a joint statement to the effect that their joint expeditionary force in Vegdarbarra had achieved its objectives with the defeat, capture, and execution on charges of Imperialist sympathies of the "Lost Captain" Alexander Vasilivich, seemingly an Imperial commander somehow preserved in the wastes of Vegdarbarra since the Second Age. The current sovereign warlord of Vegdarbarra, Baron Yuri von Litkinstein has expressed his gratitude to the expeditionary force in a statement issued from his embassy, and has pledged to continue the struggle to eliminate "rogue Imperialist influences" in his country.

The joint statement also tells us that the Horizon/Jurican expeditionary force will now move to "fortify the Lasinian/Vegdarbarran border, to prevent the instability in Lasinia disturbing the hard-won peace in Vegdarbarra". This paper suggests to its readers that the redeployment may in reality be connected to ongoing negotiations regarding possible intervention in Lasinia...


(The Horizon Illuminator) Much-admired Walking Corpse PENELOPE WEISS yesterday launched a FEARSOME ASSAULT upon the INTERNATIONAL MENACE that is the CARTEL, a criminal CONSPIRACY responsible for flooding the streats of Horizon with VILE NARCOTIC FILTH. Commissioner Weiss told the Horizon Illuminator that the Watchdogs WOULD NOT REST until the Cartel was SMASHED. While the Watchdogs are suspended, the Mayoral Legions will be conducting the raids, but the Legions seem happy to follow Commissioner Weiss's lead on the issue.

Already many high-ranking members of the Cartel have been arrested; Eric Tuco, alleged enforcer for the organisation, was released on bail but is expected to stand trial on conspiracy charges in the near future. Haythim Marid, sinister master of the Cartel, is on the run and a 700 Guilder reward for his arrest has been announced. Already thousands of FILTHY JUNKIES are SHIVERING AND VOMITING IN THE STREETS as they undergo withdrawl from the NOXIOUS POISONS with which they have RUINED THEIR BODIES - proof of the effectiveness of Penelope Weiss's HARSH DISCIPLINE!

[OOC: The article is accompanied by a fanciful artist's completely gratuitous depiction of Penelope Weiss wearing a decidedly non-regulation Watchdog uniform whilst handcuffing a prone Jurican harem-girl.

[Oh yes, and that's a Major reward for bringing in Marid.]


(The Horizon Post.) The Post can exclusively report on strange goings on in the City Forest last week. Strange lights were seen in the sky in the vicinity of the forest and are believed to have been emmanating from the centre. Late night strollers reported hearing inhuman voices from the depths of the undergrowth and a feeling of unease surrounding the place. The Post can now reveal that there may be the possibility that our fair city forrest has been invaded by agents of the spirit of the Land wishing to reclaim Horizon back to its vegetative roots!

Figures seen moving in the trees are a sure sign that the spiritual agents are moving in force to awaken the forrest and bring about the downfall of the City. Readers, we cannot let this happen! Do not fear, however, for the Post can report that you can help! The spirits are relying upon the wildlife to do their dirty work and you can stop this happening. Whereever you see an out of place or overgrown plant it is your duty to keep it controlled! Trim the brambles and prune the trees so that the Land spirits will never be able to overcome the greatness of Horizon!


(The Horizon Post.) SUPERNATURAL HORROR today at the Vegdarbarran Embassy, as COUNT LOGOVO was KILLED BY MURDEROUS SPIRITS! Having received the TWIN SILVERS (the GANGLAND DEATH-WARRANT) earlier this week, the Count barricaded himself in his room, sealing all the windows and putting GUARDS at every door. However, he was this morning found DEAD in the very same room!

WATCHDOGS are BAFFLED; nobody could have gotten IN or OUT of the locked room, leading the Horizon Post's Esoteric Correspondant, OCCITAN SHAW, to conclude that LOGOVO has been murdered by GHOSTS, who floated THROUGH THE VERY WALLS THEMSELVES! "The ghosts that attacked Logovo are symptomatic of an infestation of unworldly spirits throughout the city." says Shaw. "These invisible ghosts could be anywhere! Fortunately, my experience as a mighty sorceror and my previous life as an avatar of the Intercessor have taught me that they can be temporarily held back by hopping twice on one leg before breakfast and eating no eggs."

BUY TOMORROW'S ISSUE, where Occitan Shaw details how to PERMANENTLY BANISH these ghosts and PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES!

An Unusual Honeymoon

(The Horizon Tribune.) Astonishment among Horizon high society today, and also in millitary circles, as newlyweds Philip Daynann and Crace Columna conclude a two-week break at the groom's country estate by accepting commissions and joining the Mayoral Legion as a couple. Within days, the newly appointed Captains Daynann were leading troops into action - a decidedly unusual move for aristocratic officers, who more habitually use their purchased commissions to get into officers' clubs - joining in the general offensive by the Mayoral Legions against drug dealers in the trading district. Far from the balls and operas traditional for a young couple of their rank, they have been seen in the thick of some of the fiercest fighting. Senior sources in the legions have stated that although it is not normal practice to give commissions to women, the couple clearly worked much better as a team and no-one wanted to be known as the man who told Crace Columna she was unqualified to kill things. Mrs. Daynann herself told this reporter: "We were looking for something really different to do with our honeymoon, and slaughtering drug dealers is certainly that. We've had such a good time! And probably done some sort of civic duty as well." Mrs. Daynann fingered her blood stained knife in a way that this reporter found uncomfortable.

Unusual the Captains Daynann certainly are, but mutters of approval for this couple have been heard in many quarters...

Captain Animo Exposed As Unregistered Spy; Martial Law Ends

(The Horizon Tribune.) Following a startling admission in front of a large gathering of Watchdogs that he was responsible for putting Battle Alpha in the mess hall wine, causing the highly damaging riot which led to the suspension of the Watchdogs and the death of Captain Backsladder. Coruscatius Animo - former hero of the Flying Squad - has confessed that he is an unregistered spy for Jurica.

Under the terms of the Last Treaty, Captain Amino must now be exiled to Jurica. Meanwhile, Vizier al-Nadun, the Jurican Ambassador, has presented himself to Colonel Zero to receive the Treaty-mandated three slaps on the wrist. Some commentators have expressed concern that Animo will not now be facing trial in Horizon for the mess hall riot. This reporter visited the newly-renamed Backsladder Memorial Mess Hall to seek the opinions of the Watchdogs, but they remain tight-lipped about the issue. However, an anonymous note was later delivered to me claiming to be from a serving Watchdog, claiming that "that bitch Comisner's [sic] got it coming, what she did to Animo was wrong. Animo was the dude."

With Animo and Bryant acting as scapegoats for the issues facing the Watchdogs, the Mayor has officially proclaimed the period of limited martial law over, and has appointed Commissioner Griggs as High Commissioner. The rule of the Legions proved peaceful and quiet; it remains to be seen whether the revamped Watchdogs will succeed in regaining the trust for the public, or whether the general populace will look back on the past month as a golden era of peace and tranquility.


(The Horizon Post.) Waves of panic were visably seen to flow through the trans-Wall colonies as GOVERNOR LADY BLAZE was reported to have VANISHED WITHOUT A TRACE!!! The authorities are investigating whether some TERRIFYING TREACHEROUS HORROR had taken her prisoner - or worse. Speculation is running wild as to the cause of the disappearance. Was the stress of governership just too much for her?!?! Was she unable to face up to the attacks of the Aerial theatre?!?!

Resident occult expert Occitan Shaw has been meditating on the disappearance of LADY BLAZE. He has located her life sign trapped inside a cell created by an EVIL TRANSWALL CULT, who want the control of the Treacherous Lands for themselves!!! These are worshippers of the alleged God of Poo, whose cult is based in the Dungeons of Deyande RIGHT BENEATH OUR FEET!!!

Bryant Executed For Conspiracy to Murder

(The Horizon Tribune.) Today witnesses the execution of former Comissioner for Illegal Activities Randall Bryant, just two days after the High Court judged him guilty of inciting the murder of Captain Raymond Backsladder. Based on the confession of Captain Coruscatious Animo, formerly of the Flying Squad, the jury were able to bring Bryant swiftly to justice. Evidence has come to light that Comissioner Bryant ordered Captain Animo to place the drug Battle Alpha in the drinking supplies of the Watchdog mess hall in order to incite the riot that would lead to Backsladder’s death. Captain Animo himself has been exiled to Jurica, after he was exposed as an unregistered spy. None of the other Watchdogs involved have been charged.

A representative of Colonel Zero commented that he was “shocked and disgusted” by the behaviour of the former Walking Corpse but hopes that “this will mark the end of the Watchdogs’ troubles and a return to stability for Horizon. Those who seek only to serve their own ends have no place on the Watchdogs and hopefully Bryant's replacement will be efficient in rooting out all such individuals. Whilst the Watchdogs mourn the loss of loyal member Raymond Backsladder, we also must commend Commisoner Penelope Weiss for her efforts in obtaining the evidence necessary to convict Bryant.”


(The Horizon Post.) It was with a HEAVY HEART that I, JAMES RIDGWAY, returned to Lasinia, where just Months before I had seen the standard of LIBERTY waved over the Prone Corpse of Aristocratic Despotism. Alas, how soon the dream Soured! As ever, it was those who called for JUSTICE, EQUALITY and PEACE who were the first to Suffer; the idealistic LDF have been Exterminated almost to a Man, while the Terrorists and Extremists of the LPLF continue to Rampage across the countryside. The nation was now divided between warring factions united in their Brutality and their Contempt for the Common People, and all hope for the Revolution seemed Lost.

Travelling through Lasinia, at great Personal Risk, I saw at First Hand the Devastation that the CIVIL WAR has wrought. The nation teeters on the brink of FAMINE, while MASSACRES and REPRISALS are Daily Events. Wherever I went, I attempted to Persuade the LPLF that their TERROR TACTICS ran counter to the very REVOLUTIONARY IDEALS in whose service they had first taken up arms, and that by Pursuing them they were Squandering the good-will of both the PEOPLE and the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY. While many remained DEAF to the VOICE OF REASON, some were willing to Listen, and I was Gratified to see a new Faction emerging amongst them which Repudiated the use of Terror and agreed in Principle with the Ideals of DEMOCRACY, although they do not consider the time yet Ripe to hold Elections. While less devoted to the cause of LIBERTY than the Late, Lamented LDF, in the Quagmire that is contemporary Lasinia these "Democratic Gradualists" are the only faction who deserves any decent man or woman’s Support. I only hope that they will not fall victim to the next LPLF Purge, for they represent the LAST HOPE for Lasinia’s Future.
- James Ridgway

Fairy Dust Hits the Streets

(The Horizon Tribune.) The Watchdogs have expressed concern about a previously-unknown narcotic that has hit the streets in recent weeks. Known colloquially as "Fairy Dust", the substance looks broadly similar to Vegdar-Dust and can be administered in a similar manner. However, the effects are very different: users rapidly fall unconscious, and on awakening report vivid dreams of travelling in a strange forest inhabited by bizarre creatures ranging from the whimsical to the frightening. "You're like a ghost," said one user, "but all the people there talk to you, and it's the wildest trip I've ever had..." Heavy users can be identified by their eyes, which are gradually stained purple by the drug. Vulgar alchemists engaged by the Watchdogs to analyse Fairy Dust confess to being baffled by it, but the substance has been declared an illegal narcotic by the Loyal Order of Hounds.

[OOC: In game mechanic terms, Fairy Dust is an Exotic Drug.]

Trans-Wall Colonies Come Under Attack

(The Horizon Tribune.) Stories from the trans-Wall colonies have turned to the grim today, telling of an attack by a small army of the creatures known to the colonists as "Kraelings". Some sort of primate, the beasts seem able to shift shape into a terrifying, muscular form equipped with razor-sharp claws and teeth.

While several minor Kraeling raids have been seen off since the founding of Leander and New Urtovsk, none have been on such a scale as this one; already several colonists are fleeing through the Gate to the True Lands. The situation has not been helped by confusion in the colonies' power structure following Lady Blaze's recent disappearance. The future looks grim indeed for the colonies across the Wall. Following this defeat, Horizon's hopes for taming the Treacherous Lands look soon to be dashed.

Lasinia: Something Must Be Done, Says Goodly Chamber

(The Horizon Tribune.) Regular readers of the Tribune will doubtless be familiar with the daily roll of horrors reported from Lasinia as the Lasinian government and the extremist egalitarian group the Lasinian People's Liberation Front exact bloody retribution on each other and, more importantly, on the populations of each other's territory. Yesterday, our own Goodly Chamber finally took a stand on the situation.

Although muttering has been heard among the goodly councillors in recent months, and Count Moebius Columna has long been drawing attention to the need for action in Lasinia, the Lasinian embassy has recently issued a formal request for help in dealing with the LPLF. Following this plea, a speech by Count Moebius yesterday afternoon seemed to strike a chord with his fellow nobles:

"My lords, my fellow comrades, the evil that lurks in Laisinia must be fought and vanquished at once! The Laisinian embassy has contacted me and given this signed plea for help from our goverment! And what could I do but try to help them? Nothing but come here and ask the same question aloud! What can Horizon do but help our fellow brothers of Lasinia, The most civilised country in the True Lands? I say that Here and Now the Chamber has to speak! If we help now we could be helped in the future! Let's move to stop the bloodbath in Lasinia! Let's move to free it from the Evil Cancer of those Leftist Terrorists! Let's do something NOW!"

Your correspondent was present to see the electrifying effect of this speech on the Goodly Chamber, greeted as it was with applause and calls of "here, here!" A number of Goodly Councillors responded positively to Count Columna's initiative, and the way was paved for a motion that "This Chamber believes that Horizon and the rest of the Four Nations have a duty to save the people of Lasinia by armed intervention in the current civil war."

Although the Mayoralty's only official response to the motion has been to issue a curt statement to remind people that the Goodly Chamber's opinions do not dictate or necessarily reflect government policy, unofficial contact suggests that the idea of armed intervention is under serious consideration. Similar unofficial suggestions have been forthcoming from the Jurican and Irgarim embassies; unsurprisingly, the Vegdarbarran embassy has not yet commented. It is thought that negotiations about the exact terms of possible armed intervention are under negotiation between the Mayoralty and the governments of Irgar, Jurica, and Lasinia.

Spotlight On Gyran Rampeshti

(Clockwork Today.) In this issue we are highlighting the efforts of guild member in good standing Gyran Rampeshti, whose quiet innovations are being adopted by many important individuals. Such innovations as the quick-draw scabbard, which with the touch of a button flings forth the user's sword in a motion allowing the sword to fall naturally into the user's hand, have seen usage in recent Mayoral Legions engagements in Vegdarbarra and against the Cartel in Horizon, whilst the elite scouts of the Mayoral Legions swear by the Rampeshti-designed autotents, clockwork tent frameworks which self-assemble and disassemble in seconds.

Rampeshti is also in charge of the replacable springs project, an innovation which is expected to revolutionise clockwork. The idea is simple: produce a spring which can be wound up in advance, and inserted into a clockwork device to power it when necessary. Adapting a device to use replacable springs should prove simple and inexpensive, and would allow users to run their clockwork devices continuously if they utilise multiple prewound replacable springs. This also has the beneficial side effect that if the spring on the device breaks it is quick and inexpensive to replace it.

The artistry of the replacable springs, of course, is an important aspect of them. Sleek and compact, the design of the springs may prove iconic; the quiet "click" as the springs lock into place and the smooth, quiet whirr as they "spring" into action may soon be intimately associated with the clockwork experience. Best of all, the front and back plates of the spring unit are replacable, allowing spring units to be customised to fit seamlessly into a clockwork device. No more need unsightly keyholes blemish your masterpiece, thanks to the spring project!

Adventurer "Frost" Declared Governor For Life of Trans-Wall Colonies

(The Horizon Tribune.) It looks like for once the Horizon Tribune will have to eat its words. Following an intervention by the mysterious individual known as "Frost", the battering of New Urtovsk and Leander by strange Treacherous Lands beasts has finally halted. Reports are currently sketchy, but the conclusion seems to be that the adventurer arrived unannounced at Leander and single-handedly held off an assault while the colonists repaired a breach in the outer stockade. Battered but still full of spirit, Frost then reorganised the colony's confused defences, allowing a desperate last stand to be made against the attacking Kraelings.

The colonies have, for now, been saved, and following pressure from the inhabitants of Leander and New Urtovsk, Frost has been declared Governor for Life of the two Trans-wall colonies.

New Directions In the Lasinian Revolution?

(The Liberator.) While undoubtedly welcome to this newspaper, the ongoing Lasinian revolution has caused any amount of debate in Horizon's own progressive community. In particular, the waves of violence accompanying the progress of the revolutionary army have raised questions over the judgement of certain leaders of the revolution. Any doubt in the validity of the LPLF in general was, however, firmly laid to rest three days ago. A group of People's Army generals, People's Commitee Officers, and Political Organisers have issued a statement declaring that "we do not regard the use of Terror as a legimate instrument of revolution" and condemning attacks on civilian targets; the statement also speculated on the possibility of introducing democratic processes into the government once the danger of reactionary propaganda has passed.

It is the opinion of this newspaper that these "democratic gradualists" represent a welcome renewal of the political ideology of the Lasinian revolution.


(The Horizon Post.) Sources from beyond the wall say that an embassy with the Fae has been set up, allowing RELATIONS between humans and the "FAIR FOLK". No official comment has yet been made by GOVERNOR FROST, but with his CURIOUS PURPLE EYES it is clear that there is MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE here!!! Is "Frost" a FAIRY??? Where do the Governor's LOYALTIES LIE???

On the Grapevine

"Bob" Leaves Rats

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Penelope Weiss has left the Dockyard Rats! She's taking this Illegal Organisations bit awfully seriously. She's even moved out of the Docks in case Madam Velvet tries to have her killed..."

"Wait up, Who's Penelope Weiss?"



"Oh for crying out loud..."

Cartel Civil War?

"Here, you heard? The Cartel is killing it's own. There's something fishy going on about all this."

"What happened?"

"Those young Cartel thugs - called themselves the Dread Britches or something ridiculous like that - shouldered into the Slums the other day and killed old Mrs. McGreggor for looking at em' funny. Shouted something about 'we are the generals of the Cartel and this is what happens when you cross us.'"

"Oh my goodness, picking on the old and helpless now - those villains!"

"Well, the Cartel have been causing trouble of late with people all over the city and I always thought Mrs. McGreggor's brownies were a little suspicious..."

"But what's this about the Cartel the killing its own?"

"That's just it... Two days later all those thugs were dead - killed by the hand of the Cartel, so they say."

"It's civil war for sure. Retribution killing... especially if Mrs. McGreggor was playing for the wrong Cartel faction..."

Rise of the Under-Chamber

"Have you heard of this Under-Chamber thing? I keep hearing about it and I dunno what it's all about."

"Ok, sit down, this'll take some explaining. The Under-Chamber's this secret counterpart to the Goodly Chamber that runs the criminal underworld. All the big gangs have signed up to it - the Three Families, the Dockyard Rats, Inmack's Boys, the Rumblers..."

"The Cartel?"

"Hell no, they've been kept out of it. The Beggars are thinking about signing up, though, and there's this outfit called the Hidden Mob which is involved."

"Never heard of any Hidden Mobs."

"Neither have I. Anyhow, between them the Under-Chamber mobs have agreed on various means by which they can go about their business without accidentally triggering martial law, since none of them want that. They've agreed that disputes between mobs are going to be handled quietly - duels between champions, or bigger fights in deserted parts of the Slums or Ruins are cool, but open violence which might prompt the Watchdogs or Legions to crack down are out. Ghouls, dogs, foreign ambassadors, and government targets are out of bounds for similar reasons, and members shouldn't collaborate with the HPLF or Emperor's Front."

"So what does it mean?"

"Well, it looks like freelancers are going to have a hard time from now on - the Under-Chamber wants a complete monopoly on illegal activity in the city and intends to establish it. They're planning on passing any evidence they come up with of people commiting crimes without being a member of an Under-Chamber mob to the Watchdogs - and then taking more violent action if the Watchdogs fail to arrest the guys in question."

"What, even if they're just smuggling a few luxuries in their fishing boat?"

"Yeah, about that..."

"You're shaking me down, aren't you?"

"Sorry, Bruce, rules are rules."

"Alright, you win. How do I join the Dockyard Rats?"

"Oh, it's not difficult if you've got a current member like me to sponsor you..."

Fairy Dust and Blue Wine From the Dockyard Rats

"Psst - guess what..."


"You know that special wine the Cartel have been selling?"

"Don't think so..."

"Thought not - they've been careful about who they sell it to, only giving it out to select clients."

"Real good stuff, is it?"

"Yeah, it's like desert wine only it's bright blue and it's like nothing you've *ever* had before. Real vintage stuff."

"So what about it?"

"So the Dockyard Rats have got themselves a regular supply, and they're happy to sell it on."


"Yeah, I hear the Rats are the sole source for Fairy Dust as well. And they've still the only people dealing good Vegdar-Dust in town - the Cartel have had to cut all but their biggest clients off to preserve their supplies."

"Sucks to be the Cartel, I guess..."

[OOC: In game mechanic terms, Blue Wine is an Exotic Drug.]

Dropping Star Essence Is Dangerous

"Be very very careful... and don't move!"


"Just.... be careful... I think you've got some star essence in your hair and it could drop at any moment"

"You what?"

"Star essence... in your hair. If it falls you've had it! BOOM. Dead.... see... that's how dangerous it is. Everyone knows that... well... at least that's what I got told by Mavis down the street who heard it from Eddie who got it from a begger he knows..."

"How the heck would I have got star essense in my hair?"

"I don't know but there's deffinitly something in your hair..."

"That's a ribbon."



Duel At the Riverview

Have you heard? The feud between the Crowland and the Columna... it's coming to a head. In public. Next Twin Moons at the Riverview, there's going to be a duel, that'll settle the whole thing. Either the Crowlands give up and give the Columna damages... or Moebius hands himself over to the new Duke Crowland.

Grey Order to Move Into Treacherous Lands

"Hey. Have you heard? It's the Grey Order. Hundreds of their agents are moving through Horizon."

"No. They're storming the palace?"

"That's what I thought at first, but apparently they're sending a team of settlers into the Treacherous Lands. They're not travelling light, either: the ones I saw are pulling these huge covered carts."

"Wow. Wonder what they've got planned over there?"

"Dunno. I asked one of them, and he said they were going to provide aid to the colonies."

A Significant Wager

"I can't wait! Not long now 'till the big race!"

"You're not still on about that skylarking, are you?"

"Well, yeah, but it's not just ordinary skylarking this time. The Grey Order are racing their new Wonder Winders against the Clockwork Guild's replacable springs!"

"I see."

"It's a hell of a way to get attention. And I hear they've been betting pretty heavily on it."

"Well, what's a little flutter?"

"This isn't just a little flutter. If the Order win, then the Clockworkers' Guild are going to let Grey Order members in as members. If the Guild win, then the Order will agree to move all agents out of Horizon!"

"Wow. Somebody out there must be pretty sure they're going to win."

In the Small Ads

To: Mysterious Benefactor

(The Horizon Tribune.) I'm curious, but not sure where to start searching. Yours, Seeker of Truth.


(The Horizon Post.) I am an important individual from Captain Qveton's regime who has fled to Horizon to escape the terrible Baron Litkinstein, and I need your help.

I have a large amount of money - 100,000 Guilders - that I need to transfer out of Vegdarbarra. However, thanks to the Baron's restrictions I cannot use my own bank account. I am appealing for anyone who is willing to keep 100,000 Guilders in their bank account for a brief period of time. Naturally, you will be compensated for your efforts - 10,000 Guilders you may keep. The rest of the money will be used to set up an orphanage for children rendered parentless by the conflicts in Vegdarbarra.

Please send your bank account details and 200 Guilders to cover various paperwork fees and bribes in Vegdarabarra to P.O. Box 427, Horizon Central Post Office, and I will arrange the money transfer. Thank you for helping out a refugee in distress!

[OOC: 10,000 Guilders is a Staggering amount, and 100,000 is an absolute fortune. Anyone wishing to take up this offer should note down in Housekeeping that they are sending a Major amount of money to the address.]


(The Horizon Tribune.) I am an expert in various matters relating to Transwall flora and fauna, particularly the more dangerous sorts. Perhaps you can find a use for my services? My representative will be at the Riverview on the night of the Twin Moons, wearing a red carnation.

James Bisley Reveals Clockwork Appendages

(The Horizon Tribune.) Have you recently lost an arm in a tragic disaster? Do you yearn for your former mobility? Then contact JAMES BISLEY. With my array of CLOCKWORK REPLACEMENT ARMS, I can restore your ability to move. Finance is not always required; details of special conditions are available on request.

"Thank you Mr. Bisley. With my new arm I can finally enjoy the life I longed to lead."
"The clockwork arm you gave me is wonderful! It's changed my life!"


News Sources

So that you can make a decision on how much to believe each news source, here's some details on the various peridoicals.

The Town Crier

The Town Crier is a dull, dry periodical which publishes official proclamations from the government and the Embassies, notices of births, marriages and deaths amongst the upper classes, transcriptions of debates in the Goodly Chamber, and other such official business. Few people actually read it, although many journalists consult it when they want to find out the official take on a particular issue.

The Horizon Tribune

Super-respectable periodical; never under-researches its facts, never skimps on in-depth analysis, does not report on frivolous issues. Has all the right opinions on politics; supports Colonel Zero broadly, but far from unconditionally. Held up by the great and good as an example of everything that's right about journalism. Lots of people have it on their coffee tables to impress visitors; many, many fewer actually read it. Old numbers are usually popular with the Beggars, too.

The Horizon Post

Utter rag. The events reported on the first few pages occasionally bear some resemblance to things that actually happened, though with few facts and more "hilarious", or enraged, commentary. After that, the paper's avowed purpose to "bring you the TRUTH on the hidden world of the supernatural" means that the stories tend to come from bored peasants or drunkards paid to talk about their "experiences" with Shamans, Gods, Treacherous Beasties, Fae, the Emperor, whatever. Very occasionally, one of these stories is actually true, although this is more or less coincidence.

The Horizon Illuminator

The Illuminator matches its great rival (the Post) for sensationalism, but specialises in gossip, innuendo, and scandalous allegations as opposed to the supernatural.

The Liberator

The mouthpiece of the HPLF, the Liberator is subversive, anti-authoritarian, and fashionably dangerous to read. Burn it or pass it on after you've finished with it, and don't let the Watchdogs find it on you. It is also referred to as the "Lirbatore" by spiteful critics of its editorial eccentricities.

Skylarker's Monthly

The newest publication to hit the streets, Skylarker's Monthly is doing a roaring trade amongst the many devotees of the new sport, as well as bookies seeking the latest information on the competitors.

Fitzkarald Monthly

Fitzkarald Monthly is the official in-house publication of the Fitzkarald Opera House and is widely-read in theatrical circles.

The Amateur Natural Philosopher's Periodical

This highbrow magazine is an earnest attempt by University academics to present the latest discoveries in natural philosophy, alchemy, esoterica and so forth in a clear and easily-understoond manner. Their fact-checking is rigorous, to the extent that some stories have been delayed for months whilst the facts are established.

Clockwork Today

A regularly-produced glossy brochure in which the Clockwork Guild promotes its members' talents.

New Alchemist

Must-read material for all alchemists - licenced or otherwise - New Alchemist reports on the cutting edge of alchemical research.

Occult Correspondences

Less interesting than its name implies, this is a dry academic journal devoted to the publication of highly theoretical papers concerning natural philosophy and its related fields.

The People of Lasinia

Published in Horizon, this paper advocates, discusses and attempts to organise a "campaign for social justice" in Lasinia. What exactly this means is somewhat unclear, but would definitely involve the overthrow of the existing social order, possibly in bloody mayhem, and replacing it with something more egalitarian. It also specialises in exposing corruption and incompetence in high places in the Lasinian government (indeed some have said that it must have multiple sources on the inside). Needless to say the People is illegal under pain of imprsonment or worse in Lasinia, and the unofficial spies of Lasinia are forever trying to shut it down.

The Grapevine

Of course, the printed word has no monopoly on truth. Many stories that don't make the newspapers still get the underground buzzing with rumour and speculation. The most widely-circulated speculation is presented here.