This site is for the trial run of Horizon, which has finished! If you want information on the full game, commencing October 2005, you should go here. |
The NewsTurn 1In the PapersCrisis at Vegdarbarran Embassy(The Horizon Tribune.) Diplomatic circles have been in uproar after the arrival in Horizon of an ambassador from Baron Yuri von Litkinstien, apparently a sovereign warlord of Vegdarbarra. The ambassador, Count Logovo, arrived at the city gates with a large retinue of riflemen, leading to a tense confrontation with the Mayoral Legions. Since Captain Qveton is the only Vegdarbarran warlord to be recognised by the other nations and to sign the Last Treaty (and, indeed, is the only warlord who is well-known outside of Vegdarbarra) the Legions refused to allow Count Logovo's retinue inside the city; Logovo berated the captain of the wall-guard for a full half-hour before agreeing to leave his soldiers outside.Proceeding to the Vegdarbarran embassy, the Count then proceeded to hammer on the door and demand entry as the rightful Vegdarbarran ambassador. Ambassador Zitmik, representative of Captain Qveton in Horizon, appeared at the embassy's highest window and began to berate Count Logovo. Passersby on Embassy Row soon stopped to witness the spectacle; panic almost ensued when Count Logovo pulled out a pistol, and began waving it threateningly, but eventually he was allowed inside the embassy on the understanding that he was there strictly as a guest of Ambassador Zitmik. Speculation about the political situation within Vegdarbarra has been rife ever since. It has generally been assumed that Captain Qveton was the most civilised Vegdarbarran warlord, since he has had the most contact with other nations - certainly, all other known warlords have acknowledged his authority. However, Baron von Litkinstien's soldiers were clearly more disciplined and better-armed than Qveton's characteristically informal forces. The Ministry of Friendship has released the following statement on the issue: "We welcome Count Logovo as a representative of Baron von Litkinstien to the city of Horizon. We would remind him, however, that since the Baron is not a signatory to the Last Treaty, and does not owe allegiance to Captain Qveton, he may expect none of the rights, privileges and immunities granted to national ambassadors. It is the view of the city of Horizon that currently Captain Qveton and his ambassador the honorable Rufus Zitmik are the sole representatives of the Vegdarbarran people until such time as Baron von Litkinstien signs the treaty. Whilst Count Logovo is welcome to stay in the embassy as a guest of Ambassador Zitmik, we warn him that he will be deported immediately should he be connected to any espionage activities undertaken on the behalf of the Baron, and his soldiers may not enter the city limits."The embassies of Jurica and Lasinia had no comment to make on the issue, whilst the Irgar embassy gave this statement: "The embassy of the kingdom of Irgar, in the name of King Olaf Wolfson, welcome the ambassador of Baron von Litkinstien to the city of Horizon and to the family of nations. We concur with the opinion of the government of Horizon that as a represantative of a sovereign entity that is not a signatory to the Last Treaty, Count Logovo does not enjoy the rights of a full ambassador. We would also remind our fellow nations that as a representative of a nonsignatory entity, the Count is also freed of the restrictions and responsibilities set down in the Treaty. We hope the day will come soon when the Baron is able to sign the Treaty and join the family of nations; until such time, we will uphold the right of Count Logovo to refuse to log the details of his appointments with the Ministry of Friendship and the embassies of Irgar, Lasinia and Jurica, and to refuse to grant appointments to Registered Spies and Ministry of Friendship inspectors."The apparently welcoming tone of the Irgarim statement has apparently enraged Count Qveton's representatives, and shortly before we went to press Ambassador Zitmik made the following announcement on the steps of the embassy: "In my capacity as ambassador of His Excellency Captain Qveton, Sovereign Commander of All Vegdarbarra, I wish to clarify certain misconceptions that have arisen since the arrival of Logovo. The so-called `Baron' von Litkinstien is little more than a fat, pie-eating buffoon, the leader of a rebel province within Vegdarbarra. The issue of the Baron is an internal problem and we will respond robustly to any external interference. Count Logovo will be announcing the surrender of the Baron to Captain Qveton's forces in short order if he knows what is good for him." At this point Count Logovo burst out of the embassy and began shouting at Ambassador Zitmik once more, accusing him of speaking for "a gaggle of bandits who daily lose villages our forces" and claiming that "within a year Qveton's forces will be crushed and the Baron's armies will be on the doorstep of Horizon!" Ambassador Zitmik then shoved Count Logovo back through the embassy door and followed him in, closing the door behind them. Sounds of fighting could be heard from within, but the embassy guards refused us entry. Star Falls In Vegdarbarran Wilderness(The Amateur Natural Philosopher's Periodical) Nobody can have failed to have seen the awesome nighttime display at midnight, the height of the Horizon's Day celebrations welcoming the year 4000 H.R., as a bright light fell from the sky from the direction of the Vegdarbarran wilderness - bright enough to turn night into day. Early speculation that the light was the result of a Vegdarbarran warlord's ostentatious fireworks display was soon contradicted by the observations of quick-thinking astronomers, who noted that a star from the constellation of the Throne was apparently missing after the light died down. Swift calculations and observations with the telescopes of the Imperial University's observatory soon established the truth: as astonishing as it may seem, a star has fallen from the vault of heaven and landed in the wilds of Vegdarbarra.When interviewed about the issue Professor Sebastian Quick of the Faculty of Natural Philosophy was able to explain further. "This event is not entirely unprecedented. Without lending too much credence to shamanistic mumbo-jumbo, it's well-known that the Stars are entities with a sort of life-cycle: that like the living entities which the credulous would assert them to be, they are `born' and `die' according to the rigid laws which govern the behaviour of trans-Sky bodies. There are records of at least three Stars dying during the First and Second Ages, but in each instance they fell into the sea and are presumably lost in the deep Ocean - this is the first time in recorded history that one has fallen on land - at least on our side of the Wall." Asked whether the dead Star was at all valuable, Professor Quick agreed. "A great many individuals would dearly love to get their hands on it, I imagine. As a Natural Philosopher, naturally, I'm keen to measure it up, ascertain its dimensions and composition - it's really very rare that we get our hands on materials from beyond the Sky and it's an opportunity I'd hate to see go wasted. Of course, my colleagues in the Faculty of Alchemy are going to be chomping at the bit to get their hands on it - they're saying that it will almost certainly be yield a great many samples of Coarse or even Fine Star Essence, and may even provide the key to producing Pure Essences."
No expedition has yet set forth to retrieve the Star - experts on Vegdarbarra believe that it has fallen in an area of "no-man's-land" not claimed by any of the warlords of the Vegdarbarran steppes, so it is unlikely to have been disturbed by any of their forces. It is highly likely that we will soon witness a race between various groups to see who will be the first to experiment upon this unique artifact. New "Walking Corpse" Appointed - Criminal Community Sharpens Knives(The Horizon Tribune.) In a civilized society, the police force exists as a manifestation of the desire of responsible citizens for order, protecting people of whatever status and role from the human predators that would otherwise rob and enslave them. In such a society, the police deserve and receive the respect of the people and the government alike; they are rightly feared but equally respected by those who choose to live by crime rather than law. They are stern yet fair, authoratative without tyranny.In Horizon, by contrast, it often seems that our guardians stagger from one crisis to another, at least as frightened by our (undoubtedly accomplished) underworld as it is by them. Proof - if it is needed - comes from the office of the Commissioner for Illegal Organisations, recently vacated once again by a bullet-ridden carcass. Should the reader need reminding, the story of the Watchdog Commissioners responsible for keeping our thriving mob culture under control has been a bloody farce over the four decades since the war. Almost without exception, those incumbents who have dared to make more than token movements against the upper echelons of the underworld have perished in "suspicious" (or rather "obviously murderous") circumstances. Meanwhile, those inclined to masterful inactivity have been rewarded with long, peaceful lives. Nor is this state of affairs a secret - the Comissioner has long been known as "the Walking Corpse" in the underworld. And also by the people of the city, and his own colleagues and subordinates. The most recent cadaver to be dragged from the office, formerly known as Sydney Greaves, initially appeared to be from the latter school of thought. In recent months, though, a spate of ill-directed attacks had led many to speculate that the Walking Corpse might once again be about to stop walking. As one individual with an interest in the issue told your correspondent, "I don't know what the stupid bastard was playing at, but he knew the rules, and he was bloody asking for it, I'll tell you that." Whatever the motivations of the erstwhile Commissioner Greaves, a new Walking Corpse was today appointed. Randall Bryant (54) has a long history of service as a detective, and is said to be a cautious and intelligent man with a nose for politics and a close knowledge of the underworld. There are those in the city that hope he will soon be putting these to use in cutting our major gangs down to size. Others, perhaps more realistically, think that he will choose the better part of valour. Commissioner Bryant himself told this correspondent that "fighting criminals is what this job is about, and that's just what I intend to do." The Tribune wishes our new Walking Corpse every success... Lasinian Governor Reforms Border Regulations(The Horizon Tribune.) For the first time in over a hundred years the Lasinian government is revising its border restrictions to make passage to and from Horizon easier. Regulations for foreign immigrants have always been strongly enforced in Lasinia due to their extreme views of the importance of national identity and tradition. However, recently the influx of travel between Lasinia and Horizon has been such that it has forced the senate to review their stance on this issue. Foreign travellers crossing the border will no longer have to carry the relevant visa and the government have vowed to cut down the waiting time required for processing the necessary forms when entering the country.Senator Matthias Alexi, a representative of the Lasinian governor, spoke to the Tribune regarding this matter. “It has come to the attention of our Honourable Governor that Lasinia needs to move forward in its attitudes towards foreign powers. Horizon is very much the centre of relations between the Four Nations and we, as a people, must ensure that the links between Horizon and Lasinia remain strong,” commented Senator Alexi, “We hope to achieve these aims by encouragine free travel and trade between ourselves and the city state. These recent changes to our policy will hopefully aid in sustaining strong diplomatic relations.” Public opinion seems very much divided on this issue, with the usual fears being expressed over the arrival of immigrants in the city. However, it does seem to have opened up new trading routes for Horizon’s merchants, who are likely to find the new regulations the most profitable. COMMISSIONER BRYANT VOWS TO CONTINUE POLICY OF REPRESSION(Anonymous article in the Horizon Post.) Following the Mysterious Death of the former Watchdog Commissioner for Illegal Organisations, Sydney Greaves, the Enigmatic outside candidate Randall Bryant has taken his place as the man responsible for ensuring that the Man in the Street - honest, hard-working people like YOU - can only associate with those organisations that the authorities deign not to label "Illegal"!Although the true duty of the Commissioner is the defence of the Common Man from the Criminal Mobs and Imperialist Terrorists that blight our Beloved City, Commissioner Bryant has already made clear that he will focus his attentions on those organisations whose only "crime" is disagreeing with Those in Power! You and your Friends had best be careful what you say and do, lest you find yourselves branded an "Illegal Organisation"!!! Only fear of the Public Outrage he would provoke by doing so has prevented Bryant from attempting to shut down the DCH itself!!! It is time for us to Stand up for our Rights, and send a Clear Message to the Government to stop this MADNESS! As citizens of Horizon, we have the right to say what we like, and join any organisation we choose! We demand that the Watchdogs stop PERSECUTING the honest citizens of Horizon, and turn their attentions instead to the Criminals, Foreigners and Imperialists against whom they are supposed to protect us!!! FREEDOM IS NOT A CRIME!!! SHARKBOY STRIKES AGAIN!!!(The Horizon Post.) The vicious fanged menace SHARKBOY, a hideous DAIMON with the body of a young man and the HEAD of a SHARK, continues his WAVE OF VIOLENCE in the SLUMS!!! Scenes of HORROR and MAYHEM (more pictures on pages 2, 3, and 6) today as another HIDEOUSLY MUTILATED corpse was found!! This time the CARCASS of Eliza Brown (14), reported missing two days ago, has been found STRIPPED OF ALL FLESH in an alley. The WATCHDOGS have admitted bafflement, and so are handing the case over to the Horizon Post's very own OCCITAN SHAW, famous SORCERER and DIVINER, to find the FANGED MENACE using the power of his OWN MIND!!! Occitan Shaw asks all the Horizon Post's readers to AID him in his DIVINATIONS by buying TOMORROW'S EDITION of the paper and following the ESOTERIC INSTRUCTIONS therein.LOVEDAY AT IT AGAIN!(The Horizon Illuminator.) Young ENTREPRENEUR Lucas Loveday caused SENSATION last night as he kicked back and celebrated after the opening of his SECOND factory in the Steam! He's pictured here going into Flak's in the company of Horizon's latest IN-CROWD. Yes, Loveday is a step away from the STUFFY businessmen of yesteryear. Your journalist was barred from entry herself but the HORIZON ILLUMINATOR is sure that all sorts of SHENANIGANS were gotten up to!Lasinian Star to Light Up Horizon Stage(The Horizon Tribune.) The Theatre District is holding its breath this evening in anticipation of the arrival of Miss Clia Rosto, the widely acclaimed Lasinian actress. Miss Rosto will be appearing for the season in "Crown of Steel", N. Uhlbright's popular Imperial drama. Naturally the theatregoing public will be attracted by the fresh life that her considerable acting talents will bring to the role of Merewyn and the play in general; it is perhaps too cynical to suggest that Miss Rosto's fabulous good looks will do as much to swell theatre attendance as any reasons pertaining directly to drama. The actress herself told this reporter that she hopes that although people may initially come to the theatre simply to "show their appreciation" of the cast, they will leave influenced by Uhlbright's anti-tyrannical message.This brought us to the delicate subject of Miss Rosto's reasons for spending a rare entire season away from the Lasinian theatre. Your correspondent wondered aloud if there was any truth to the rumours that she had been covertly encouraged by the Lasinian authorities to take an extended 'holiday' following a string of appearances in underground plays criticising the government of Lasinia. Miss Rosto is unperturbed by such questions: "I think that there is always a political element to the theatre... I am not aware of anything subversive or unusual in the politics of any work I've done recently. And I'm always happy to visit Horizon; I don't need a civil servant to encourage me!" Of course, speculation is also rife that the unmarried Miss Rosto is simply trying to escape the attentions of this or that love-crazed nobleman. Rumours have persisted for months of rival suitors battling for her affections; readers with long memories may recall wild reporting in the cheaper press during her earlier visits of "relationships" with various of our home-grown thespians... BARON MONTAGUE SIGHTED!(The Horizon Post.) The great explorer BARON MONTAGUE, long thought to be DEAD, is now confirmed to be ALIVE AND WELL and living in Horizon, reports tell us! Mrs. Emily Shrubbs (74) tells the Horizon Post: "It's true! He was walking down the street as clear as day! I had to look twice before I really believed it, but it really was him! The Baron's back!" Montague was of course last seen FIFTY YEARS AGO leaving Horizon for HIGH ADVENTURE in the Vegdarbarran wastelands. Since then he has been declared dead but SIGHTED in a variety of locations. Only THREE YEARS ago Lasinian farmer Coros Rayden sighted the Baron RUNNING OFF with his wife, mysteriously causing his best friend Rufus to VANISH in the process! Has the great Baron finally returned to the PUBLIC EYE? Has he really RISEN FROM THE DEAD? Has he merely been on a great FIFTY-YEAR LONG adventure? Expect answers in your HORIZON POST - still only three Pennies!"Baron" a Fraudster(Letter to the Horizon Tribune.) ...and furthermore, the report in the Horizon Post of the reappearance of Baron Montague is just the kind of mindless drivel I've come to expect from that rag. Honestly. Just because someone happens to look a bit like the Baron used to doesn't mean they're the same person. I mean, the man's been gone fifty years for gods' sakes, and he was forty when he left us. This fellow doesn't look a day over sixty. I'd like to ask the Horizon Tribune to join me in urging this so-called Baron to give up this charade in dignity while he still can.BARON MONTAGUE TO BATTLE SHARK-BOY!!!(The Horizon Post.) The Horizon Post's very own mystic, OCCITAN SHAW, has brought new information on the MYSTERIOUS CASE of BARON MONTAGUE. Shaw's DIVINATIONS show that the Baron has indeed been STONE DEAD for FIFTY YEARS! But now the the city of Horizon is threatened by the FANGED MENACE of SHARK-BOY, the great BARON has literally RISEN FROM THE DEAD in order to save the city!!! We at the HORIZON POST wish the ZOMBIE BARON the very best of luck in BATTLING this PISCINE HORROR from the DEEPS. An EXCLUSIVE artist's impression of the BATTLE TO ENSUE based on Shaw's description is included on Page 4.
![]() News from Lasinia: Keep It In the Family(The People of Lasinia.) Following last month's report of massive embezzlement of local government funds by government agent Ferdinand Delache, we bring you this touching account of fillial loyalty. Senator Lord Lesuge, who is known to take a special interest in the doings of our local councils and is also (not all that coincidently) the uncle by marriage of one Ferdinand Delache, has been persistently putting pressure on officials to delay auditing of council accounts. Indeed, as he was overheard explaining to friends over some drinks in the Bolyero Club, "His mother explained to me the little blighter was just borrowing it... just needed a little more time to pay it back. Well, I had to get the dreadful woman off my back, what else was I supposed to do?"Another example of the familial spirit that keeps our nation of Lasinia great... Government Announces Journalism Competition(Advertisement in the Town Crier.) The government have annonced their search for Horizon’s most up and coming journalists by releasing details of an exciting opportunity. A competition which seeks to encourage writers to produce work of exceptional social and political importance is set to take Horizon by storm over the next few months as budding journalists compete to receive the star prize. The competitor who produces the piece of most significance and interest will receive the exciting, once in a lifetime, opportunity to have an exclusive interview with Colonel Zero himself! We encourage any writers out there to take part in this unique competition.The winner of the competiton will be announced on the last day of Summer's Dusk. (OOC: This will be the 5th Week session.) LET MERCUDO THE MYSTERIOUS REVEAL YOUR SECRET PAST!(Advertisement in the Horizon Post.) MERCUDO the MYSTERIOUS, MASTER of MEMORY and HEIROPHANT of HYPNOSIS, wishes to announce his arrival in the fair city of HORIZON! A sage of unparalleled wisdom, Mercudo's hypnotic techniques allow YOU, the patient, to pierce the veils of TIME AND DEATH, and relive YOUR PAST LIVES in prior, happier ages of the world's history!It has come to the attention of this POTENT MASTER of the ARCANE ARTS that many individuals in Horizon are reincarnations of POWERFUL FIGURES from past times. By reuniting people with their former selves, the great Mercudo hopes to compile a FULL AND ACCURATE HISTORY of the world from creation to present - a creation excised of the LIES and MISCONCEPTIONS perpetuated by conventional academics. Alas, this research is an arduous and expensive process, and so Mercudo must necessarily request a modest monetary contribution from those BRAVE and DARING volunteers who aid him in my researches; in every case, however, the benefits to the volunteers have been vast. Just listen to what they have to say!
"I feel so much more at peace with myself, now that I have come to terms with my past life as the harem-slave of a Jurican Grand Vizier."
"Thank you, Mercudo, for helping me to remmeber my past life as the prince of a Lasinian city-state of the First Age! The wisdom I have regained through your therapy has aided my spoon-crafting business no end!"
"Mercudo the Mysterious is a delightful man! Always polite and courteous, he is quite simply the most appealing spiritual healer I have ever encountered. I recommend him to all and sundry!" Vacancies Open In Exciting New Research Project(Small ad in the Amateur Natural Philosopher's Periodical.) Explorers, security specialists, and esoteric experts wanted. Useful qualities include a sense of discretion, a burning curiosity, and a yearning for adventure and new horizons. Apply to Titus Faol, c/o The Initiative, Faculty of Cartography, Imperial University.Discreet Work of a Delicate Nature(Small ad in the Horizon Illuminator.) Security expert or experts required for discreet work of a delicate nature. Experience with the extraordinary preferred. Proven security skills a must. Payment negotiable. Our representative will be attending the RView. He will wear a red carnation. If in doubt, apply to the barman.Wealth Retrieval Expert Required for Delicate Task(Small ad in the Horizon Illuminator.) Wealth retrieval expert required for delicate task. Discretion required on your part, assured on mine. My representative will be at the RView wearing a white carnation; if you fail to meet her, ask the barman to pass on a message.On the GrapevineWho Let Vasquez Out?Hey, you hear the latest? Viggo Vasquez is coming out of the Doghouse! Yeah, the Viggo Vasquez! Talk about a hardcase - I heard he once killed ten men with his bare hands! Best damn assassin in the city, and he pays for it with ten years of his life behind bars. Whoo, but I'd hate to be the poor bastard who put him away. Viggo never forgets a grudge.About that Contest...It sounds too weird to be true, but I hear the Colonel's journalism contest is just that: a journalism contest. He's hoping that people are going to dig up some filth on his own government's corruption, and banking on nobody finding out anything about him. Hah. Like I'm gonna believe that. There's gotta be something else in it.The Auction HouseYou know, I hear that if you want something really obscure and you've got the money for it, Moebius Columna's auction house might be the place to get it. It's based on a ship in the Docks and Moebius has a reputation for not cheating the customers and maintaining the neutrality of the auction house - though he is a Columna, so I'm not sure how far that neutrality goes.The Dark Avenger is Coming!"The Dark Avenger is coming! The Dark Avenger is coming!""Who?" "The Dark Avenger!" "He's coming?" "Yes!" "Who is he?" "The Dark Avenger!" SMACK "Who... is... the... Dark... Avenger?" "He's the hero of Lasinia! Righter of wrongs! Champion of justice in the murky night! He's coming to clean up Horizon!" "Oh god, not another one." News SourcesSo that you can make a decision on how much to believe each news source, here's some details on the various peridoicals.The Town CrierThe Town Crier is a dull, dry periodical which publishes official proclamations from the government and the Embassies, notices of births, marriages and deaths amongst the upper classes, transcriptions of debates in the Goodly Chamber, and other such official business. Few people actually read it, although many journalists consult it when they want to find out the official take on a particular issue.The Horizon TribuneSuper-respectable periodical; never under-researches its facts, never skimps on in-depth analysis, does not report on frivolous issues. Has all the right opinions on politics; supports Colonel Zero broadly, but far from unconditionally. Held up by the great and good as an example of everything that's right about journalism. Lots of people have it on their coffee tables to impress visitors; many, many fewer actually read it. Old numbers are usually popular with the Beggars, too.The Horizon PostUtter rag. The events reported on the first few pages occasionally bear some resemblance to things that actually happened, though with few facts and more "hilarious", or enraged, commentary. After that, the paper's avowed purpose to "bring you the TRUTH on the hidden world of the supernatural" means that the stories tend to come from bored peasants or drunkards paid to talk about their "experiences" with Shamans, Gods, Treacherous Beasties, Fae, the Emperor, whatever. Very occasionally, one of these stories is actually true, although this is more or less coincidence.The Horizon IlluminatorThe Illuminator matches its great rival (the Post) for sensationalism, but specialises in gossip, innuendo, and scandalous allegations as opposed to the supernatural.The Amateur Natural Philosopher's PeriodicalThis highbrow magazine is an earnest attempt by University academics to present the latest discoveries in natural philosophy, alchemy, esoterica and so forth in a clear and easily-understoond manner. Their fact-checking is rigorous, to the extent that some stories have been delayed for months whilst the facts are established.The People of LasiniaPublished in Horizon, this paper advocates, discusses and attempts to organise a "campaign for social justice" in Lasinia. What exactly this means is somewhat unclear, but would definitely involve the overthrow of the existing social order, possibly in bloody mayhem, and replacing it with something more egalitarian. It also specialises in exposing corruption and incompetence in high places in the Lasinian government (indeed some have said that it must have multiple sources on the inside). Needless to say the People is illegal under pain of imprsonment or worse in Lasinia, and the unofficial spies of Lasinia are forever trying to shut it down.The GrapevineOf course, the printed word has no monopoly on truth. Many stories that don't make the newspapers still get the underground buzzing with rumour and speculation. The most widely-circulated speculation is presented here. |