Horizon: City of Traitors

The Sitemap

The Frontpage

The Guide

Major Developments

The City

The World

The Esoteric

The System

The News

The Cast List

The Horizon 1 Site


The webpage remains up as a permanent archive of game material, mainly for the benefit of nostalgic players - although if you'd like to run a Horizon-inspired game for your friends, that's wonderful too. Horizon will be succeeded by Legacyin Trinity term of 2006.

If you like you can look at the (sketchy, incomplete) GM notes as well.

The Oceans

It is believed the Gods masked the Fire with the Land, leading to the Fire's crusade onto the Land; the Gods countered this by creating the Ocean to put out Fire that invades the lands. However, as the gods sang and danced upon the Land their songs travelled into the Oceans where the sound was distorted in its depths, creating much that is still unknown or should never be known in the deep.

The Oceans are dark and mysterious, with many mysteries beneath their surface - some of which it is believed even the gods do not know of. The Oceans, like the Stars, are associated with order; however, theirs is more linked to rhythmic determination: the tide will go in and out twice a day, and anything that attempts to stop this will be claimed by the Ocean.

The Oceans are a powerful unstoppable force for those who manage to harness them; however, the Oceans are difficult to harness for they care little about life upon the land which to them is insignificant.


I heard there are creatures in the deep which come upon the land at night, and take virgins into the deep to become their brides.

I heard there's a secret cult trying to summon a monster from the deep!

Any ship which doesn't have a water shaman onboard will anger the Oceans and not arrive at its destination.

There is an ancient city that was sunk beneath the tides in the True Lands containing great riches and wealth.

It's bad luck to have a woman onboard a ship.

Monsters of the deep will often disguise themselves as women and tempt sailors to their doom.

There is a giant creature beneath the Oceans of the True Land which drags ships under the waves.

I heard that those who worship the Oceans turn into fish.