From the Illustrious Divine Works of his Holiness Pope Teus Paltrow XXVII.

Views and comments on the Papacy taken from sources around Taeorn

"The Papacy of Paltrow has been ruled by Pope Teus Paltrow since the creation of the world when he willed it into being through his divine might and wisdom. At least that is what the official 'Ministers of the Divine Will' will convince you of after a few hours alone with them in a dark room, a dark, well sound proofed room.
On the whole the Papacy is a well run theocracy with the God Emperor Pope Paltrow as the leader and then his scores of Ministers serving under him to administrate regions and then the Deacons ruling each town and village. The system has worked remarkably well for the last four thousand years. That doesn't mean that there haven't been problems though. Once the Papacy ruled all the way from the east coast to the west but the arrival of the Magister two thousand years ago deprived them of the western most region. The official Papacy history has refused to accept the regions loss and still has positions for the Minister of the Western Reaches. A more serious blow was the defection of several thousand people at the same time to the south. Fleeing from religious persecution they escaped and have prospered - becoming the City-States region and the Papacy's deadliest rivals. Apart from this and the odd clash with some foreign heathen power the Papacy has been extremely stable."

From an Outsiders Guide to the Papacy written by Norris of Taeorn.

"The Papacy is best understood by understanding it's religion. It's all fairly easy really, ages ago the first pope was born to the people of the eastern coast. His name was Teus and he managed to convince the people that living under his rule was better than the petty kings and queens of the age. Well anyway young Teus turned out to have a very effective message - that there is a great evil growing at the heart of the universe and only by devoting one's life to the correct teaching could the evil be stopped. You see each soul that was good went onto aid the armies of good in the after life and any evil soul went on to join with the armies of evil. Eventually there would be a big fight and the side with the most people would win. Now Teus claimed that he was the vassal of the forces of Good and their chosen avatar upon the world. That and his astounding grip of military tactics managed to get himself an empire. Now when Teus came to die he prophesied that he would be born again to lead his people. Surely enough a few days after his death a young child was born able to talk and who sounded just like Teus did and this child became the next God Emperor of the burgeoning Papacy. Well things went along just fine like this for centuries with a new Pope turning up as needed, sometimes as a new child other times as a chosen person being given the gift of holding the divine spirit. The Papacy spread across the land and became a great nation. All the people had to do was obey the will of Teus as Divine Word and the Path to Good and their souls would end up in paradise fighting on the side of righteousness. What more could a body want from a religion, a clear-cut view of the universe and the promise of going to paradise to help save the universe. Who could turn down a deal like that, all you have to do is obey the God Emperor Pope Paltrow in all his glory."

Ragged William, a recent convert to the Papacy's way of thinking.

"Life in the papacy is fairly simple. There is no discrimination between men and women; both are equal in the eyes of the Pope as all souls are judged on how well they observe his laws. Most people serve as merchants, laborers or farmers as in most civilized countries. Everyday there are two prayer session intended to sing the praises of the Pope in the hope that his blessing and power can help in the fight against the darkness. Art and literature are legislated by the Hierarchy of Religious Ministers, the full name of the government; all education is similarly handled by the priesthood, those whose duty it is to serve the Pope as he sees fit. Most people go about their business without much restraint, although there of course is the risk of being dragged before on of the Ministers of Enlightenment for failing to show proper worship to the Pope. Providing you play by the rules, or at least are clever enough not to get caught if you don't doing business with the Papacy is a simple task and one that can be very profitable, especially as there is always a market for 'unholy' goods."

Taken from a speech given to the allied Traders of Kanveh before it's occupation.

"Watch our for them ones in the masks though, just cause they don't look special and act like servants don't mean they ain't special like. This big wig priest turned up here a week ago, surrounded by servants and guards, and one of those ones. You know all dressed in long robes and with that face mask leaving only their manicured hands free. Handmaidens of Handmen of the Pope I 'ear they are called. We there I was minding me own business when this Handthing turns and looks at me and says something to the priest and suddenly the guards start heading my way. Last time I go spying on the papacy I tell you. I've been running for two weeks now, they sure don't give up. Say did you say you know a good place to hide?"

Ero, once called the Spymaster of Ranford.

"Heathen's your souls are at risk, and with your souls you risk the world. Come listen to the truth of Pope Palrtow, and you could save yourself, your family and the world from evil. All you have to do is join out movement, how much does it cost you say? Why when you join you'll have no further need for money the Order Of Sacred Divinity will give you food, lodging and then your own chance to go out and save the souls of the damned. Join now before you destroy you chance at the paradise!"

Deacon J'Tal preaching in the market place of Taeorn.

Game Comments.

The Papacy is the single largest country on the continent. Natural borders are the only serious problem they face in sweeping the land and taking it over. Rumors persist that this is what the Papacy was planning to do and only the cataclysm stopped them from acting as it occurred just before their own plans came to a head. Life in the Papacy varies depending on whether you are a Templar of the True Faith ( a soldier), one of the Hierarchy or an ordinary person just trying to get by. Or alternatively someone with less noble intentions, there is always a good business in selling 'unholies' to a population willing to see if evil is really as bad as they say it is. Whilst most luxuries are allowed the Papacy has forbidden most intoxicants, although some drugs that expand consciousness are allowed as they are believed to get people closer to the Diving Good.

For a real world image combine Ancient Egypt with Ancient Rome.