Looks like Chute is up and running again. Mammoth efforts have gone into getting that city back to its former glory and whilst the paint isn't quite dry yet looks like things have been taken well in hand. The Chancellor, the beautiful Lady Alyssa, the Knight-General, Gisbourne Von Ravenstorm and the newly appointed Spokesman Merchant Meister Juril Elman, have got things up and running. Looks like there is a profit to made there, especially with the trade in Flengewort roots at the moment.
Tension seems to have increased in Northern Nitlas as the recent addition of the Von Hausenberg's have gained a little more status than they perhaps should have. Calen, one of the gifted, seems to have made friends with the Crown Prince and got himself into a nice little earner even if he is illegitimate. Jobs for the gifted eh? Nothing like a little bit of bias. Anyway seems like this action has further upset the church and state divide! There are even rumors of church burning, looks like a hot time to be a priest these days!
God has come out top again in the most sexy man poll of three million people in the Papacy, despite reports that he is dead. Apparently Pope Paltrow has sealed himself up in his cathedral and has not been seen for months now, although the Red Dragon has got an exclusive with Minister Mandiga Who says that "The time of the next coming is at hand, soon he shall be reborn." Thanks for clearing that up then.
The entire council of New Taeorn has been thrown out by angry voters no one, not even the minor members are safe from the accusations of corruption and in the interest of stability the whole council has withdrawn. The Assayers and Brokers guild has been particularly hard hit as they seem to have been behind it. Alexi De'Mito has disappeared and Irlan Piale, once head of the Assayers and Brokers has been killed by an angry mob. Looks like things have really gone to pieces, however if it wasn't for the actions of Indigo Blaze we would never have known. The Red Dragon would like to thank Indigo Blaze again and hopes that you are safe.
Thanks to the lack of actual wars recently the death rates have gone down. Less bodies in the river and less headless corpses in the streets. That's what we like, lets hope things stay that way.
Bar what I just said cutter looks like the chant has hit the blinds. Here is the real dark berk and make sure that you are listening up good 'cos I'm no cony-catcher. I'm not flapping my bone box blood listen to this. Seven islers have been scragging one another for a turn now. Looks like a real blood will avoid that place like the hive.
Editorial: Why is it that there is always trouble and never good stuff. The Red Dragon would like to thank the following people trying to cheer to world up: Tim the party master, Lord Potar of Delam for the plague hospital, and Theodore Mandeville for making the cartographers really upset but at least employed.
"Roll up, roll up and join the great Business School. Down on your luck and nearly out of cash? Spend your money getting to Nitlas and joining the School of Phil the Farmer! Best investment a body can make!"
"Looks like Barien is going to cedes itself to the Papacy. Now where does that leave Nitlas except bordered on the east and south by the Papacy itself, well at least if Baria city cedes along with it. Who would have though that New Taeorn and friends would shrink."
" Lads they damn near sunk my ship when I was a sailin'. I tell you there should be nothing there, but sure enough I got attacked. Some small island to the south of a larger one. Most worrying."
"Gold coins eh you sure are a rich one sir. Gold has been mighty scarce of late what with all the stuff being stolen all over the place. Gold has sky rocket in value, why its worth lots more gold than normal is gold, almost as much as diamonds."
"Ahia My Lord looks like things are going all a well back home. Thanks to the kindness of Talon the Truthful, lord of love and bringer of gifts, master of money and handler of cash, he has returned the Mystic Staff of Tarrian Gypsies - the Statue of Falrat, which I myself am one of. Would you care to take a card?"
"Green and black, green and black, lots of them damn it. Seems like every time I turn around there is another one. What is this some kind of invasion! And where are they coming from!"
"New Newspaper! New newspaper! Why do we need this Millennia List. I liked the Enquirer, well before it burnt down. What do you mean that the Red Dragon is better."
Everyone's favorite spy, other than Karlan Farlan, is somewhere. This time he is camoflaogued somewhere in this issue , can you spot him?