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The Red Dragon Tavern Gossip.

"So here we go again ‘eh. Yet another load of poxy message bringers telling us that spring is coming. I tell you it’s never gonna come. I refuse to believe that spring is coming just because the e’Koyoni say so. Then again if they say so maybe their right. Who wants to disagree with them, remember old Gubble concrete boots a mile wide I tell you."

"Praise be to Tokol, lord of enlightenment and master of civilisation. Let his name ring out across the land and let none defy his glorious will. What do you mean that Cerwein is better. Are you spilling my spirtual pint, well are you. Come on then."

"Everyone here is getting worried. What we need is a good war against someone else. Lets go and invade Kanveh. Lets get them before they get us. A damn good war would sort out everyone’s heads and unite the city. Dammit J’im things are just too quite."

"I’ve seen him. Shoulder plates and bright sword swathed in blood. The Warmaster is amongst us and he stalks the city. Stay locked up safe in doors and hope that he doesn’t choose you as a victim."

"Rats leaving a sinking ship. If only it seems that we just have the city guard wandering off. See them leaving just as things are getting dangerous. What with the mutilated bodies and the recent sacrifices someone is certainly taking a bite out of the lower tiers population."

"Strange folk seem to be just walking in and out of the city. What with the Hunter of Ab Jafar walking around, the strange warrior who scared off Nehac killing more in the arena and the dark lady of the crimson gloves seems like odd folks just be turning up every minute. Good job your normal Bill."

"Those watch are getting right vicious. Killing off people left right and centre. Why last week Copper Pot Jenny was bludgeoned to death just for plying her trade. What’s wrong with cheering folk up that’s what I want to know."