Relations between groups beyond the Wall

THE FAE: are indiscriminate as to who and what they use for amusement, so the Kraelings and Ghouls are fair game, just as humans are. The only difference is that those two groups are much more accustomed to the fae and their tricks, and so are much less fun. This equality of treatment rapidly stops when it comes to their own homeland. Ghouls may be tolerated (that is, toyed with and tormented for fun), but Kraelings tend to view the weaker fae as food, and are driven out or killed. KRAELINGS and GHOULS: are both exceedingly wary of the fae; both races have centuries of folk stories about them, and warn their youngsters not to venture into the Kingdom. The two races in general hate each other; this is less to do with the differing nature of their power parentage and more to do with the Kraeling habit of viewing the Ghouls as a food source. Adhania has suffered considerably from raids by nomadic Kraeling groups. On the other hand there are hundreds of miles of wasteland separating Adhania from Kessereth, so proper war is unlikely in the immediate future. Perelonia and Kessereth, though, are rather closer together; if either were to expand, some sort of conflict would be likely.