
The land of Vegdarbarra is about 80 miles wide and tens if not hundreds of thousand miles long it follows the wall (is the wall linear or circular) and so is in its shadow and thus is it is dark for much of the day, it is cold because of this going form –10 in the summer to –50 in the winter (I assume where probably not going to use Celsius or the 4 seasons we have but you get the gist) The ground is covered in a permanent layer of ice and snow, many parts are covered in forest which in some places is so deep that no human has trodden in there for thousands of years. The trees in Vegdarbarra have a strange asymmetry about them in that one side is covered in pine like leaves the other side is bare of leaves this is due to the presence of the wall.

Where there are no forests the land is barren and uninhabitable however inside the forests there are many squirrels, bears, wolves and birds, as the trees are the main source of the food chains. In the depth of the forest are also many small villages and hamlets as the only food and building material available is in the forests so why not make life easier also the trees provide protection from the almost continual snow and hail, the inhabitance are all skilled huntsmen and live of a diet of game. Many of these villages have been forgotten about and may have not been in contact with the outside world for possibly hundred of years. The villages are run either by a chieftain or by village elders. Many of the larger villages and forts have witch doctors they are often the true rulers many of which where or are avatars they wear goats skulls so no one can tell there identity, many take apprentices which they later secretly sacrifice deep in the woods and take there place.

Every 50 miles along Vegdarbarra is a fort, these where constructed in the days of the empire to protect those inside of the wall from the horror outside which occasionally break through holes in the wall or climb over it, as time has passed the wall has deteriorated in parts creating holes which hordes of monsters break through and so many of the forts are in a permanent state of attack, many of which are fighting a losing battles however these forts are completely isolated and forgotten about as most of the city and indeed the rest of the land inside the wall is unaware of the situation and even of the forts in the first place mostly because messengers in either direction have a tendency not to reach there destination due to a combinations of bears, wolves, monsters and the intense cold and thus many have not left there fort for centuries, and are thus rather out of touch.

In the calmer area of the wall great citadels have been constructed where powerful warlords live with vast armies demanding tribute off villages in the vicinity, these mighty warlords are often in long and bloody feuds other warlords along the wall many are the direct descendants of the commanders appointed by the emperor and some still believe that they fight for the empire. (possibly some war lord that gets too powerful could begin to try to reclaim the empire)

Lords of Vegdarbarra
