He is the patron of murderers, serial killers and madmen. He whispers to his followers slowly increasing there hatred and as the hatred grows his voice becomes louder until they are but empty shells of wrath for his command which he manipulates to spread his seed.
His barge is a gliding black citadel with many long corridors and door after door. As you walk down the corridor you hear voices, the voices seem to come for behind the doors but if you open them there is only a mirror.
On the higher floors of the barge, the rooms have names on each room has the name of a follower, the walls of these rooms are covered in great statues of all that they have loathed and in the center a cylindrical prison in which there sole is imprisoned for eternity. (I'm not sure if that bit is appropriate for the setting could you get back to me on this Arthur)
The Butcher was an abandoned as a child due to a facial deformity and for that reason was latter unable to get employment. He grew up with contempt of all non deformed persons this rage has driven him to become the butcher searches the city for non deformed persons particularly those in high society, drags them down to his lair in the subway vents and deforms them with his axe so that they may suffer as he has