

This stage of history should only be described in the vaguest of terms: only the Gods and the Powers witnessed these events, and whilst their avatars may obliquely hint at what happened it is, to an extent, beyond human comprehension. Hence, in the descriptions below you'll note I talk about the Gods and Powers behaving in a decidedly anthropomorphic way: this is not the literal truth.


Only oral traditions survive from these times, and this is an age when humankind was not yet wholly sentient. Human beings, in these days, were much like cattle, and staggered around in a sort of trance, which was occasionally interrupted by vivid dreams as the Gods gave their orders and the Powers attempted to influence them. Again, the Gods and Powers will be described behaving in an anthropomorphic manner; again, this is not the literal truth.


Written records begin around this time. Humankind is fully awake and sentient; the Powers are not, and the Gods from here on in become ever more senile and distant.